Our Why.
While competing as an athlete throughout much of my entire life, most of which has occurred at the most elite level possible, I am constantly seeking out the highest quality foods and supplements. I do this in order to keep my body performing as is necessary, while also staying naturally healthy & strong. However, this isn’t always easy...
In college I played division 1 football, ran division 1 track and studied business at the University of Oregon. Eating healthy in college was a difficult challenge because it felt like I was always “on the run” -- literally. Football in the morning, track in the afternoon, and academics in the evening. This is when I first started to learn and gain true appreciation for the importance of nutrition. There are many variables that go into any sort of decision making process, but what I realized during this time of my life was - I had full control of what I put into my body to perform at the highest level and outwork my competition (on & off the field).
Now don’t get me wrong, generally speaking I had a pretty clean diet from the jump. However, it was during my days of competing at Oregon when Professional Nutritionists suggested that I start taking multivitamins, fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, BCAA and calcium supplements. ...This was on top of the two meal replacement protein shakes that I would consume throughout the day. With all this being said, it’s important to note that I have always believed (and still do believe) that food is king and should make up the bulk of human nutritional intake. We had great food available to us as athletes at the University of Oregon, but the balance of life/sport/school/etc made it difficult for me to absorb everything I needed. So, the supplementation of the nutrients mentioned above (which I had been lacking) really helped me develop into the athlete I am today. And now, at UpGo, we believe that we will be able to help many of you in a similar way.
Let’s fast forward to today… You’d think being a professional athlete would suggest that we’ve “got it all figured out”. Well, let me be the first to tell you that’s not the case. I see my training partners struggling to get all the nutrition they need. We worry about the ingredients in products offered to us, and if a specific supplement is safe to take due to the horror stories and tales tied to contaminated supplements. Our goal at UpGo is to always provide a product that you can TRUST… Trust the quality of ingredients, and trust the quality that takes place behind the scenes -- for example, the manufacturing process.
To go one step further, I also started to become more aware of the habits built by my family and friends. And unfortunately, like most humans, little to no research is typically done prior to fueling the average human body. Therefore, I wanted to continue improving upon my own journey toward health and wellness while also helping those around me become more educated, more experienced, and better equipped to function at the highest possible level in their daily lives -- whether that be a desk job or training to become the next Olympic Gold Medalist. This is where the Idea of UpGo was born.
UpGo is a nutritional supplement company with a mission and vision to provide high quality supplements to all. We want our products to be advantageous for everyone, regardless of gender, age, profession, etc.. As a start up, we’ve specifically chosen products that are believed to help people in starting to build strong and healthy habits. Hence why we chose Apple Cider Vinegar, Elderberry and Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA).
Apple Cider Vinegar is arguably the most popular nutritional supplement out for purchase right now, for all of the right and legitimate reasons. It helps with gut health, heart health and weight loss. Elderberry is a supplement that has been used in order to help ward off the cold and flu, which is more prevalent than ever in our current world pandemic of COVID-19. And lastly (for now), Amino Acids, BCAA’s, are considered to be the essential building blocks for muscle growth that the human body may struggle to get naturally at times.
So, while this is where we have chosen to start the UpGo journey, our goal as a company is to continue to grow and mature into other products that our customers will love and trust. And with that, we hope that you choose to join us on this journey and ascend in your daily life!
Ascend into your daily life.
Devon Allen
UPGO Supplements
2016 US Olympian 110hh 5th place
2014,2016,2018 US champion